Speak Your Grief with Sonya
From my story to your story, let’s talk about grief. I will share my grief journey and interview others about their path of sorrow and healing. I hope that you, the listener, will hear something that helps as you navigate your own grief and that God is glorified along the way.
This is a discussion and not meant to give professional help.
32 episodes
God's Purpose in Your Suffering
God has Peter share a 4-fold purpose for our suffering in 1 Peter 5:10. @SonyaSumpterHoffman #griefandhope #griefjourney #griefhealing #grief #g...
Season 1
Episode 32
Loss of a Child While Helping Siblings Grieve
You are already dealing with the grief of losing your son. How can you possibly help your children? Dawn Hawley shares the story of her son's passing along with how they have navigated Nathan's siblings' loss. We talk about things that helped a...
Season 1
Episode 31
Grief and Dreading the Holidays
God tells us in 2 Corinthians 1:3 that He is the God of all comfort. This podcast is a reminder that He wants to strengthen and help you with both your dread and the difficulty of navigating the holidays when you are grieving. #gri...
Season 1
Episode 30
Why Did Our 19 Year Old Son, Jadon, Have To Die?
Why Did Our 19 Year Old Son, Jadon, Have To Die? This is the title of a tract Dallita (Jadon's mom) was able to write after his death. Dallita takes the time to do an interview with me about several posts she wrote that have spoken to my heart....
Season 1
Episode 29
Losing Our Son: Infant Loss at 7 Months (Part 2)
In Part 2, Alex and Ashley share different facets they have dealt with after the death of their seven month old son. They discuss guilt, regret, telling Benjamin's brother, how they honor Benjamin's memory and allowing him to be a donor. <...
Season 1
Episode 28
Losing Our Son; Infant Loss at 7 Months
Little Benjamin went to Heaven just days before he turned seven months old. Alexander and Ashley share the details of that difficult day. Along with the deep grief that comes after losing your child, they had sorrow added to this journey as the...
Season 1
Episode 27
A Care-Giver's Needs
Valerie concludes her interviews by telling us about the last nine months of her mother's life. It was a rollercoaster of ups and downs, and day after day of going to the rest home. Then we discuss the grief after this kind of loss, along with ...
Season 1
Episode 26
Cancer: Recourse, Remission, Reset! Mom's Rebound
Valerie shares the cancer journey that her mother faced. After fifteen previous surgeries and intestinal difficulties, Margaret was told she had bladder cancer. She endures one of the most toxic chemo therapy treatment plans and then faces surg...
Season 1
Episode 25
What Could Break Me Only Shaped Me
How a person handles life is largely how they let hard times shape them for good. Before we learn about Valerie Kucera's large, gaping hole in her life from losing her mom, we want to first take a look at what shaped her mom's life. Margaret Wa...
Season 1
Episode 24
When Life Doesn't Go As Planned
What do you do when the plan you had for your life gets turned upside down? Instead of pouting, becoming bitter, or turning away from God, Erika Washington decided to turn TOWARD Him even though that's easier said than done. After a de...
Season 1
Episode 23
The Heroes On My Cancer Journey: Angie's Story
Angie experienced a cancer diagnosis not only once, but twice. She went through biopsies, surgeries, radiation, and chemo therapy, Yet, in part three, she tells us about the heroes that helped her on this journey and the Ultimate Hero, Who was ...
Season 1
Episode 22
A Second Cancer Diagnosis: Angie's Story
Angie describes what it was like to have cancer diagnosed for a second time. It was a different type of cancer and she faced the giant of chemotherapy this time. For her, it was devastating to lose her hair. We discuss some of the details on th...
Season 1
Episode 21
Hearing the Cancer Diagnosis: Angie's Story
We often laugh at the teacher from Charlie Brown as she talks, "Wah, wah, wah..." But that is exactly how Angie felt after she heard the word "cancer" from her doctor. She could see his mouth moving but nothing was making sense. She sits ...
Season 1
Episode 20
Dealing with Suicide: Losing a Son, Remembering Troy
They say the loss of a child is like no other loss. How can you navigate this kind of death, especially when it was a suicide? When your loved one takes their own life, it presents its own set of difficulties. Tena Wokaty and I talk about...
Season 1
Episode 19
The Sister Bond: Losing Madelyn
Have you lost a sister or brother? The bond between siblings can run deep. Tena Wokaty talks about the close relationship she had with her sister, Madelyn's passing, and what God taught her from this heartache. Join us for part two. Be sure to ...
Season 1
Episode 18
To Grieve or Not To Grieve
Are you from a family, generation, or situation where you were told not to grieve? Does grieving make you a weak Christian? Tena Wokaty sits down with me and talks about suppressing grief when her father died. He went to Heaven when she was onl...
Season 1
Episode 17
Dementia: Watching a Loved One Die Slowly
There is a grief that comes from losing a loved one, over time, to dementia. As her father went into the hospital, my sister-in-law was faced with the caring of her mother overnight. Her dad did not come home, so her mom came to live with her. ...
Season 1
Episode 16
What Is It Like to Lose Your Family of Origin? Part 1
Have you lost all of your original family? The family you were born into is your family of origin. My sister in law talks about what it was like to lose hers. She shares the responsibility she felt as each one passed and then the emptiness of b...
Season 1
Episode 15
Grief After a Miscarriage:Ways to Cope
Have you ever felt like it was taboo to talk about a miscarriage? My sister discusses what she went through when she miscarried at eighteen weeks pregnant. Why is it so awkward? What would be helpful to know before you are ever ...
Season 1
Episode 14
Just Be There For Others When They Grieve
How do children handle grief? My granddaughter shares her thoughts as she remembers her Papaw. She talks about the scariness of forgetting your loved one, sweet memories, and how she thinks we should help others when they grieve. T...
Season 1
Episode 13
Watching Your Husband Grieve: A Daughter-in-law's Sorrow
In this interview, my daughter-in-law talks about watching her husband grieve. She remembers "dad's" loving eyes and kind heart. We talk about keeping his memory alive for the grandkids and having to keep moving forward in life, although not to...
Season 1
Episode 12
Separating Grief from Trauma: Losing My Dad
My son held his dad when he died. There is both grief and trauma to face after something like this. We discuss separating the two along with the dread that comes after this kind of loss. In addition, we analyze need, function, processing, and e...
Season 1
Episode 11
Losing a Grandparent: My Papaw Went to Heaven
Remi talks about everything from earballs to drifting a truck when it comes to his papaw. He talks about what it is like to have a wonderful grandfather, and then how much it hurt to lose him. He shares funny memories along with how he is copin...
Season 1
Episode 10
Losing a Father-in-law: Delayed Grief and Chickens
I interview my middle daughter-in-law about her memories and grief for her father-in-law. We talk about first impressions, the chickens, delayed grief, and keeping papaw's memory alive for her children. This episode is part of the ...
Season 1
Episode 9
Struggling With Dad's Death: A Son's Journey
I interview my son about his dad's life and death. His dad had a huge impact on him and losing him has been devastating. He shares the good and the painful memories. He eludes to the spiritual doubts his dad's death has caused him. We wil...
Season 1
Episode 8