Speak Your Grief with Sonya
From my story to your story, let’s talk about grief. I will share my grief journey and interview others about their path of sorrow and healing. I hope that you, the listener, will hear something that helps as you navigate your own grief and that God is glorified along the way.
This is a discussion and not meant to give professional help.
Speak Your Grief with Sonya
What Is It Like to Lose Your Family of Origin? Part 1
Have you lost all of your original family? The family you were born into is your family of origin. My sister in law talks about what it was like to lose hers. She shares the responsibility she felt as each one passed and then the emptiness of being alone. From the loss of her brother, through the soon passing of her dad, this story takes us on the beginning of her grief journey.
We discuss topics like delayed grief, grieving one's self to death, having to decide to turn off life support, and losing your original family.
We also delve into what helped and gave hope in this grieving process.
The next podcast shares the two and half year journey that would follow her dad's death as she cared for her mother with dementia. Be sure to listen to Part 2.
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